Jay Peak
Which ski resorts are still open in Vermont?
Posted 4/16/09
Here's the latest on late-spring skiing in Vermont. The resorts are the usual suspects at this time of year... Killington is still open. They hope to ski into May. Stowe is open until Sunday, April…

New snow over the weekend in Vermont
Posted 4/6/09
Mother Nature is not ready to let go of winter yet here in Vermont. On Saturday night and Sunday morning, northern and central Vermont ski resorts reported about 7 inches of new snow. For some…

Heading for the final stretch
Posted 4/3/09
Believe it or not, many Vermont resorts picked up a few inches of snow early this week. I skied in it a bit late Thursday afternoon in the Bolton Valley backcountry trails. With the warm…
The snow's been falling here in Vermont; 51 inches now at the stake
Posted 1/8/09
OK folks, while our economic recession is still trying to find its bottom, here in Vermont we're in a rebound of sorts. After a warm-up around Christmas time, we've cooled off and enjoyed some…

Cold temps, snow in Vermont got me thinking about Mr. Bentley and his snowflakes
Posted 12/31/08
This week the temperatures have been dropping, making for some great snowmaking weather and natural flakes falling from the sky. The temperature in Jericho, Vermont, has dropped to 10 degrees (F)…
It's snowing in Vermont
Posted 12/12/08
The world is looking pretty white today. Ain't it grand? Jay Peak ski resort is reporting 24 inches of snow in the last two days. Exaggeration? Not sure. I plan on hitting the snow tomorrow, when it…

October snow in Vermont
Posted 10/22/08
Ah, the little white flakes are making their first appearance here in the Champlain Valley of Vermont. It is just flurrying here, but the snow is sticking a bit in the higher elevations. Vermont…

College season passes in Vermont make me want to hit the books again!
Posted 10/21/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO 2013-2014 SEASON PASS DEADLINE INFO>> Did you know Vermont has more colleges per capita than any other state? It's true. And all those students are now cramming for one of the…

Ski Vermont 3 Pass is a Vermont ski ticket discount to consider
Posted 10/9/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>> Ski Vermont, an advocate for the Green Mountain State's ski industry, is offering a limited number of Ski Vermont 3 Passes and Ski…
Guidebook author's advice for Vermont ski vacations: Branch out away from mega resorts
Posted 9/9/08
What's the most common mistake out-of-state visitors make when planning ski trips to Vermont? This is the question that Budget Travel magazine put to a Vermont guidebook author this month, and I have…

Late summer/early fall deals on Vermont ski discount cards and season passes
Posted 8/27/08
Ah, nearly Labor Day. It's about time to lock in to the best deals available on season passes and skiing discount cards in Vermont. The Skimeister and I are planning to ski around Vermont resorts…

Sold! Canadians sell Vermont's Jay Peak ski resort
Posted 7/3/08
Interesting news, eh? The Canadian owners of Jay Peak ski resort in northern Vermont have sold the four-season resort to a group of American investors. The investors include longtime Jay Peak…

"It's not quite over yet"
Posted 5/2/08
"It's not quite over yet." So says Sugarbush ski resort, which will open up on Saturday so they can say that they skied into May. The same goes for Jay Peak resort. Both Vermont ski areas are running…

Can't get enough?
Posted 4/25/08
If you still haven't got your fill of skiing this season, this is your last weekend to hit the slopes in Vermont. Ski Vermont reports that these areas remain open: • Jay Peak - Open Sat & Sunday,…

Scrumptious spring skiing at Jay Peak on April 16
Posted 4/17/08
Corn snow and creamees in one day—now that's what I call heaven. The Skimeister and I and three friends hit the slopes of Jay Peak in the northern reaches of Vermont for a fabulous day of spring…
Obscene amounts of snow fell on northern Vermont ski areas!
Posted 4/14/08
A short list of things that are 30 feet tall or long: 1. A 30-foot-tall scale model of the Sears Tower built with Jenga blocks at Northern Michigan University: http://faculty.nmu.edu/ims/sears1.htm …
Of moose and moguls
Posted 4/10/08
This morning I saw a moose! At first I thought it was a horse, but quickly I realized it was a large moose and he or she was on the move. Now you might ask why this is so exciting. Well I didn't see…

Hey all you skiers and riders, the snow is back!
Posted 2/7/08
Don't you love it when the National Weather Service reports: ...PERIODS OF MODERATE TO OCCASIONAL HEAVY SNOW EARLY THIS MORNING ACROSS MUCH OF THE NORTH COUNTRY... It's been snowing this week and…

New snow in time for Stowe Winter Carnival
Posted 1/25/08
When you live in the north country, winter is something you embrace. This weekend in Stowe, Vt., they're doing just that with the Stowe Winter Carnival. Some of the country’s best amateur and…

Snow envy
Posted 1/11/08
If those twits at Heavenly, Vail and Beaver Creek send me one more e-mail ... Their multimillion-dollar marketing machine keeps sending me mouth-watering photos of the three to 10 feet (that is not a…
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