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Springtime rituals include Easter sunrise services (and first tracks!) & egg hunts

Posted Tuesday, March 26, 2013
— Killington, Spring skiing, Jay Peak, Mount Snow, Okemo, Smugglers' Notch, Stowe, Stratton, Sugarbush, Bromley, Bolton Valley, Burke, Mad River Glen, Magic
A pastor skis downhill with his guitar.

Easter is hopping closer! This year it falls on Sunday, March 31. Vermont ski resorts often have Easter-themed events to get families out on the snow. Some ski areas also hold mountain-top sunrise services, where you can get some first tracks after the service.

Call or visit the <link internal-link internal link in current>ski resort websites to confirm that the details haven't changed!

Stowe Mountain Resort: Easter Sunrise Service & Easter Egg Hunt

A non-denominational service atop Mt. Mansfield. Free gondola rides from 4:30 - 5:30 a.m. Arrive early. Dress warmly. Easter Egg Hunt follows at Spruce Plaza at 10 a.m.

Sugarbush: Easter Sunrise Service & Egg Hunt

Service is held at 7:30 a.m. at Allyn's Lodge, at the top of the Super Bravo lift at Lincoln Peak. Easter egg hunt at 10 a.m. at both Lincoln Peak and Mt. Ellen.

Killington Resort: Easter Sunrise Service & Egg Hunt

Service is at the Snowshed Lodge (not atop a mountain). Service is at 6:30 a.m. Community breakfast follows. Easter Egg Hunt begins at 8 a.m. around the Snowshed and Ramshead Lodges. Special hunt for toddlers at Ramshead from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. 

Jay Peak: Easter Sunrise Service 

Easter sunrise service on the summit. Tram departs from the base at 5:15 a.m. Service starts at 6 a.m. Ski or ride down following the service.

Stratton: Easter Sunrise Service and Easter Egg Hunt

Sunrise service at the summit. The gondola will load at 6 a.m. Easter egg hunt starts at 10 a.m. for little ones, 10:30 for older kids.

Mad River Glen: Mountaintop Service, Egg Hunts & Costume Parade

Mountaintop service is at 8 a.m. Lift loads from 7 to 7:30 a.m. Easter Egg Hunts are at 11 a.m. Two of them: one in the base area for the lil' tykes and one for skiing kids on the trail called “Bunny,” of course! Easter Costume Parade at 1:30 for all ages.

Okemo: Easter Egg Hunt 

The hills will be teeming with colored eggs stuffed with prizes. Time is not posted on their website.

Bromley: Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Bunny will be leaving treats. Children 6 and under will have their very own egg hunt out of the Kids Center; kids over age 6 will hunt out of Kidsrule.

Bolton Valley: Easter Egg Hunt  

For kids ages 12 and under, the search starts at 9 a.m. on the Mighty Mite hill. Rumor has it the eggs are filled with candy and prizes.

Mount Snow: Easter Egg Hunt

Details not posted on their website.

Burke Mountain: Easter Egg Hunt

The egg hunt starts at 9 a.m.. Eggs will be hidden all around the Sherburne Base Area. 

Magic Mountain: Easter Egg Hunt

Egg hunt at 10:30 at the Magic base lodge.

Smugglers' Notch: Easter Jamboree  

Egg and spoon races and candy at noon in the FunZone. Please be advised that Smuggs will not be holding a sunrise service this year because they cannot download folks on the lift. See their website for more details.

Photo: A pastor skis downhill with his guitar after a mountaintop sunrise service.

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