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Big snowfall this past week! Then some rain on Friday.

Posted Friday, March 17, 2023
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Backcountry skiing, Cross-country skiing
Many snow-covered pine trees along a Nordic ski trail
A snowboarder plows through some snow
Skiers and riders descend under a double chairlift
Single set of ski tracks through an opening in the woods

Wow — we've seen some crazy snow totals of up to three feet from this week's snowstorm!

We got out to cross-country ski while the snow was winding down, then some downhill skiing on Thursday morning, and a little more cross-country skiing before work on Friday. Good stuff! 

Today (Friday) it rained at many elevations. We're hoping it didn't affect the snow too much. We shall find out this weekend!

Friday afternoon's total at the snow stake atop Mt Mansfield was 83 inches. Nice!

Check out Vermont snow reports and enjoy!

UPDATE ON SATURDAY 3/18: Due to the rain, we found mashed potatoes in the woods today in northern Vermont. The temperatures are dropping, so we can expect things to freeze up and crust up. On Sunday, we're looking to ski on groomed trails!

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