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And the last resort standing is...

Posted Wednesday, May 6, 2015
— Spring skiing, Killington, Jay Peak, Sugarbush, Mt. Mansfield

We moved rather rapidly from winter to early summer here in lower elevations of Vermont. Green stuff is growing like crazy and flowers are blooming. I may have to mow soon.

With the warm weather, Jay Peak has decided that this past Sunday (May 3) was its final day of skiing. Sugarbush also closed on Sunday. In Vermont, only Killington remains for weekend lift-served skiing (Friday - Sunday), as long as the stockpiled snow allows.

Image: <link http: skivt-l external-link-new-window external link in new>Snow depth chart for the stake atop Mt. Mansfield. As of May 5th: 53 inches.<link http: skivt-l>

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